Registration Special Seminar Ignatios Athanasiadis

FRASCAL Special Seminar

„A computational framework for crack propagation along contact interfaces and surfaces under load“

Dr. Ignatios Athanasiadis (University of Glasgow)

12. Mai 2023, 9:30 to 12:30

Seminar room TM 00.044, Egerlandstraße 5, Erlangen

Part 1 (60 mins)
Presentation: „A computational framework for crack propagation along contact interfaces and surfaces under load“
• Theory and results (45 mins)
• Discussion (15 mins)

Break (30 mins)

Part 2 (90 mins)
Presentation of MoFEM concepts (20 mins)
Hands-on session on MoFEM fracture module using jupyterhub interface (70 mins)
• Contact and fracture analysis of graphite brick slice (30 mins)
• Fracture analysis of Benchmark proposed for CFRAC 2023 (40 mins)

If you would like to participate in one or both parts of the special seminar, please submit a binding registration by May 10, 2023:
