
The 1st FRASCAL Autumn School 2022 on "Software Development" will take place for the first time. The two-day training course will cover the fundamentals and development of software architectures. The 1st FRASCAL Autumn School will be held from 13 to 14 October 2022 at the Hotel Fuchsbräu in the historic small town of Beilngries and is aimed at all FRASCAL doctoral researchers.

Kategorie: events, general, research

Inspired by the images of the doctoral researcher’s simulations, which are not only scientifically impressive but also extremely valuable from an artistic point of view, we have launched the project “FRASCAL goes ART".

Kategorie: general

On 01 August 2022, FRASCAL associate member Ms Ina Schmidt (TH Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm) successfully defended her dissertation entitled "Modelling and Simulation of Bone Adaptation Processes" and received the title of Dr.-Ing. Congratulations, Ina!

Kategorie: general