
On 15 March 2023, the second FRASCAL symposium will take place at the Orangerie in Erlangen. At this symposium, the principal advisors of the GRK 2423 FRASCAL projects and the prospective future Mercator fellows will contribute their own insights into the fracture problem from a higher-level perspective in seven talks, providing a basis for stimulating discussions and interactions for the participating colleagues and young researchers.

Kategorie: events, general, people, research

The 1st FRASCAL Autumn School 2022 on "Software Development" will take place for the first time. The two-day training course will cover the fundamentals and development of software architectures. The 1st FRASCAL Autumn School will be held from 13 to 14 October 2022 at the Hotel Fuchsbräu in the historic small town of Beilngries and is aimed at all FRASCAL doctoral researchers.

Kategorie: events, general, research