Name: —Please choose an option—Canbolat, UtkuFrank, PascalGreff, ChristianHantal, GyörgyIgel, LennartJadhav, Deepak BalasahebKonrad, JulianLaubert, LukasLaurien, MarieMathur, BakulPahi, SampannaRitterhoff, ChristianRohracker, MauriceSantarossa, AngelSeutter, JoschaShegufta, ShuchetaSmith, RuaridhSpannraft, LucieTitlbach, AnnaWeber, Felix
FRASCAL Virtual Colloquium:
—Please choose an option—2nd FRASCAL Virtual Colloquium from 23.11.2023 to 08.02.2024
I hereby confirm full attendance yesno
I hereby confirm co-organisation yesno
I hereby confirm that the information I have provided is correct: yes
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