Anna´s PhD journey to Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

Each year our PhD candidates have the opportunity to spend a research stay abroad.
For instance this summer, Anna Titlbach, a PhD candidate at Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm in collaboration with FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, spent her research stay at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane.
Bone biomechanics with PhD candidate Anna Titlbach
Near the end of her stay, Anna had the chance to present her research on bone biomechanics at a seminar held on Tuesday, July 23rd.
The Australian ARC Training Centre for Joint Biomechanics described Anna’s approach on LinkedIn as innovative and called her a leading researcher in her field. What a success! Indeed, what makes Anna’s research so special is that she employs a micromorphic approach using the open-source finite element library deal.II.
Among the professors who joined Anna at her seminar were the FRASCAL spokesperson Prof. Paul Steinmann, Prof. Areti Papastavrou from Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm and Prof. Peter Pivonka from Queensland University of Technology.
Anna´s PhD journey
Over the recent years with a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and professional experience as a simulation engineer at Continental, Anna became an expert in bone biomechanics. The aim of her PhD project is to extend the well-established modeling of the bone remodeling processes to the healing of bone cracks.
Ann-Sophie Herzner